University View Academy, the state’s top performing K-12 tuition-free public online charter school, welcomes new students in all grades from any school districts recovering from the impact of Hurricane Harvey, announced Superintendent Dr. Lonnie Luce.
"University View Academy is proud to enroll children in all grades from impacted school districts, whether the school is private, parochial, or public," said Dr. Luce. He extended this invitation to impacted families in Louisiana and to those families who have relocated here from flooded areas of Texas. Parents can begin the process immediately by logging into the school's website at www.UniversityView.Academy, visiting the school campus at the Russell J. Henderson Building, 4664 Jamestown Ave., Baton Rouge, or calling the school at 225-421-2900.
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Scores are up, but University View Academy says they are motivated to achieve more for the 2017-18 School Year University View Academy’s high schoolers boosted the school’s ACT exam score to 20.6, a full point above the state composite score average of 19.6. A graduating senior must have a score of 18 to be admitted to college without taking remedial courses.
However, Superintendent Dr. Lonnie Luce said the K-12 completely online charter school which accepts students from every parish in Louisiana will be expected to do better as its 2300-student body moves forward in the academic year. “We are proud of our students’ performance, but we have high expectations and are still aiming higher,” said Dr. Lonnie Luce, Superintendent. “We agree with State Superintendent John White: When you raise the bar on expectations, students will do better.” EINSTEIN CHARTER SCHOOLS TEACHER’S “LIFE-CHANGING TRIP” TO INDIA Alondria Bowie recaps journey through Teachers for Global Classrooms On July 4, 2017 Einstein Charter Schools teacher Alondria Bowie arrived in India, along with a cohort of teachers as part of the Teachers for Global Classrooms Program (TGC). The international trip was the culmination of the TGC program that also included a ten-week online professional development course and participation in the Global Education Symposium in Washington, D.C. in February 2017.
Over the course of 21 days Bowie visited four countries in India – Bangalore, Maharashtra, Agra and New Delhi. Arriving in India, Bowie expected the experience to show her statistical data on how children living in an impoverished country produced students who can achieve anywhere. She planned on taking the data, from a country whose population is the same as the entire U.S. population, and using it in to implement new teaching methods in her Social Studies classroom at Einstein Charter Middle. What she learned was so much more. University View Academy, the state’s leading provider of high-quality, free public online charter schooling for grades K through 12, kicks off the 2017 school year on Monday, August 14.
“We cannot wait to welcome back our students,” said UView Superintendent Lonnie Luce. “This is a new, exciting era for our school and we are very eager to provide our students maximum development in their education.” LOUISIANA’S TOP PERFORMING ONLINE CHARTER SCHOOL ELIMINATES BACK TO SCHOOL SHOPPING Enrollment still available for students University View Student Services Director Melissa Bentley is fielding all kinds of questions from parents and students at this time of year as the final seats in the 2300-student K-12 online charter school get filled, but one thing that parents don’t need to ask: How to meet the rising costs of back-to-school supplies and uniforms.
According to the annual Backpack Index compiled by Communities in Schools, the average classroom and extracurricular costs during the coming school year will total between $850 and $1900 for pencil boxes, study guides, sticky notes, binders and other back-to-school essentials. “So many parents will remark that back-to-school shopping takes the fun out of going to the mall,” said Ms. Bentley. “An online school may restore that good feeling.” After all, the cost of school supplies has grown faster than the rate of inflation, according to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. Lake Forest Charter School Goes Back to School on August 8 Kindergarten to start August 15 Lake Forest Charter School is excited to get back to school! The first day for students in Grades 1-8 is Tuesday, August 8 and Kindergartens first day is Tuesday, August 15.
All students will report to Lake Forest’s beautiful new campus at 11110 Lake Forest Blvd. in New Orleans East at 8am. “We can’t wait to get back to school and see our amazing students,” said Mardele Early, Founding CEO. “Our teachers and staff have been tirelessly preparing for the new school year and we are ready to get back to work!” Lake Forest Charter School in New Orleans East is one of the highest performing schools in the State of Louisiana and the highest ranked K-8 School in New Orleans. An “A” rated school by the Louisiana Department of Education, Lake Forest was the first recipient of the LSU Ag Center’s School of Character Award, a 2009 and 2016 National Title I Distinguished School Recipient, and a 2013 National Blue Ribbon School. For more information, go to: |
November 2022