WHAT: The Rector of Guadeloupe, along with his delegation will visit Audubon Charter School’s Broadway campus as part of its partnership with Monsieur Raymond Hinz , Attaché for Cooperation Consulat Général de France, School Inspector / Superintendent of Schools and the French Consulate. WHEN: Friday, March 31, 9am
Warren Easton Charter High School is hosting its 8th SAVE/No Place for Hate Empowerment Day Program, a unique educational awareness event focusing on effective ways to prevent and reduce youth violence and bullying. Warren Easton Charter High School and its Student Council will join the Student Council members of Lusher, McMain , and McDonogh 35, along with a host of other schools for this year’s SAVE/No Place for Hate Empowerment Day Program. 119 middle school students from International School of Louisiana (ISL) received their DELF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française) and DELE (Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language) diplomas at a special ceremony on Saturday, March 18th.
The DELF and DELE diplomas are official qualifications certifying the degree of competence and mastery of French and Spanish, granted by the Ministries of Education in France and Spain and recognized by countries all over the world. “We are happy to celebrate these students and take the opportunity to say how proud we are,” said Melanie Tennyson, CEO/Head of School for the International School of Louisiana. Einstein Charter Middle School student Tien Nguyen won the 29th Annual New Orleans Spelling Bee Saturday, March 18, 2017 at Xavier University. This is the second time she has won the regional tournament in three years.
Tien was awarded an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. to compete in the 2017 Scripps National Spelling Bee at the end of May. This year is especially special for her because her parents will able to make the trip to support her – something they missed out on in 2015 when she qualified. Warren Easton Charter High School has launched its annual Hall of Fame Scholarship campaign for seniors graduating from the oldest public high school in Louisiana. Award-winning actress Sandra Bullock has pledged to match donations raised for the scholarships to be awarded on May 19, 2017.
Each year, notable Easton alumni are inducted into the Hall of Fame based upon contribution to the community, excellence of character, significant professional accomplishments and a demonstrated love for Warren Easton Charter High School. Sandra Bullock was inducted in 2009 as an honorary member. This year, Gulf Coast Bank and Trust and Zito Companies are proud to serve as presenting sponsors of the Hall of Fame event. As part of the ceremonies, college scholarships are awarded to graduating seniors based on academics, financial need, community service and an interview process. In 2016 $120,000 was awarded to 34 seniors, the largest amount ever awarded. Young Audiences of Louisiana (YALA) in partnership with The Helis Foundation announced plans to expand their successful early learning program, Baby Artsplay!™, to eight cultural institutions across the city of New Orleans. Beginning this Spring, Baby Artsplay!TM will be offered as a series of six free 30-minute workshops held weekly to engage young children ages 12-24 months and their caregivers in research-based performing arts experiences that support their cognitive, physical, and social development. The Louisiana Wolf Trap Baby Artsplay!™ teaching method taps into children’s innate desire for active, multi-sensory learning through purposeful singing, dancing, and movement.
DRUG ASSISTANCE HOTLINE CONCERNED ABOUT PHONES NOT RINGING; ASK FOR HELP REACHING PUBLIC IN GREATER NEW ORLEANS AREA Seniors, disabled persons aged 21 years or older and their families have stopped calling the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC)/SenioRx prescription assistance help line operated by the New Orleans Council on Aging, and counselors are concerned.
"We think all this discussion about Medicare, Medicaid and health insurance changes has confused adults who need help paying for prescriptions. We know the need is there in our area, but calls have stopped," said Makitha Richards, Louisiana SenioRx Program Manager. Mrs. Richards said normally her program phones ring constantly from seniors, adults with disabilities or any adult needing help getting assistance paying for their medicines. The free service also enrolls, counsels, and educates Medicare beneficiaries. Young Audiences of Louisiana (YALA) in partnership with The Helis Foundation announced plans to expand their successful early learning program, Baby Artsplay!™, to eight cultural institutions across the city of New Orleans. Beginning this Spring, Baby Artsplay!TM will be offered as a series of six free 30-minute workshops held weekly to engage young children ages 12-24 months and their caregivers in research-based performing arts experiences that support their cognitive, physical, and social development. The Louisiana Wolf Trap Baby Artsplay!™ teaching method taps into children’s innate desire for active, multi-sensory learning through purposeful singing, dancing, and movement.
Benjamin Franklin High School will host its annual Falcon Feast on Thursday, March 23 from 7-10 p.m. Falcon Feast is the school's most important fundraiser for athletic activities, facilities, and events. The monies raised from this event are used to purchase necessary equipment, to enhance locker rooms in dire need of repair, and to raise money for stadium lights, bus transportation, and other needs of our Falcon athletic teams.
November 2022