A ceremony will be held to welcome 7th Grade exchange students from the Collège César in Roquefort-les-Pins to Audubon Charter School and New Orleans. The students will be arriving May 8 and returning to France on May 22. Audubon students will visit France in October. Raymond Hinz, the Attaché of the Général Consulate of France in New Orleans will be in attendance to greet the students. WHEN: Monday, May 9, 8-9am WHERE: Audubon Charter School (Upper Campus) 1111 Milan St. in New Orleans (504) 324-7110
WHAT: Audubon Charter School 4th-8th graders will participate in Junior Achievement Day. For Junior Achievement Day, JA will teach students in middle school practical information about preparing for the working world, entrepreneurship, financial responsibility and the worldwide marketplace.
WHEN: Wednesday, March 9, 9am- 2pm Audubon Charter School has announced that its annual fundraising Soiree is scheduled for Saturday, March 12th from 7 - 10 p.m. The event will be held at the Peoples Health New Orleans Jazz Market at 1436 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd. in New Orleans. The theme for the event this year is “Back on Broadway” to commemorate the lower school’s return to it’s newly renovated campus on Broadway Street. The evening will feature music from a live jazz band, a performance from the Chorus Girl Project, delicious cuisine and beverages, games, dancing, and both a live and silent auction. Tickets are $50 per person.
Soirée proceeds directly benefit Audubon’s unique academic programs and the over 800 children that the school serves. Audubon Charter School, a New Orleans public school, offers dual French and Montessori curricula for students in Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade. It has been an A-rated school by the Louisiana Department of Education for many years and continues to maintain its status as one of the top five schools in the Greater New Orleans area. Audubon’s mission is to foster a culturally rich and academically rigorous program using French and Montessori curricula and a comprehensive arts curriculum. The school has created an advanced learning environment driven by a curricula designed to draw highly-motivated, high-achieving students through uniquely innovative educational programs. Funds raised through the Soirée are critical to Audubon’s success and the success of its students. Derek D. Bardell, a professor at Delgado Community College, was unanimously elected Chairman of the French and Montessori Education (FAME) Incorporated Board of Directors. The FAME Board governs the “A” rated Audubon Charter School (K-8) and oversees its $7.5 million budget. Bardell was elected at the Board Meeting on December 12, 2015.
Derek D. Bardell is a veteran educator who currently serves as an Adjunct Professor of Business Administration and Teaching and Learning at Delgado Community College. Bardell holds a bachelor’s degree from Dillard University and two master’s degrees from Tulane University. He is certified by the Louisiana Department of Education as an Educational Administrator and Supervisor of Instruction. Audubon Charter School, a top performing dual program school, announces its 2015-16 open houses for parents and prospective students in grades K-8. Audubon’s French Program is accredited by the French Ministry of Education through 8th Grade and is officially recognized as a school that conforms to the curricula defined by the French Ministry of National Education, the only accredited public school in Louisiana. Audubon also offers a Montessori Program that is an Associate Member of the American Montessori Society. Students can apply to either program.
Audubon Charter School Principal/CEO Janice Dupuy is retiring after 10 years at the school and 38 years as an educator in Orleans Parish. Her retirement goes into effect September 30. Assistant Principal Latoye Brown will take over as Interim CEO/Principal for Audubon Charter School effective October 1, 2015. A permanent replacement will be selected before the end of this school year.
“My ten years at Audubon have been the most fulfilling of my long career and it is with bittersweet emotion that I have made this decision, said Dupuy. “I consider the Audubon Charter School staff, Board, administrators, faculty, and students to be my extended family. This was not an easy decision to make but after nearly thirty-eight years as an educator, I feel it is time to move on and concentrate on my family. I leave the school in good hands with Ms. Brown.” Audubon Charter School announced today that the school has been selected as a recipient of a Healthy Communities Grant by Keep Louisiana Beautiful, the State’s premier anti-litter and community improvement organization.
The grant, in the amount of $2005, will support Audubon’s recycling and waste reduction efforts— including the purchase and installation of recycling bins, recycling instructional signage, compost bins, and portable water coolers. Students, staff and faculty will be educated about the benefits of recycling and how to recycle, and students will be encouraged to bring environmentally friendly, reusable water bottles that can be refilled rather than plastic water bottles. WHAT:
It's bigger and better than ever! Come out and enjoy Audubon Charter School's 2014 Fall Fête with a great day of music, food, games and spirits of all kinds! This year the Fête goes off campus to Danneel Park at the corner of St. Charles and Octavia with special musical guests Grammy award winner Dave Pirner of Soul Asylum, Los Po-Boy-Citos, TBC Brass Band, Little Freddie King and more. The Fête will have a delectable menu of local food, a student run snack booth and beverages for all ages. As always there will be a great lineup of activities and attractions including a costume contest throughout the day and the Audubon Art Market. Audubon officials greet Xiong Jun as she arrives in New Orleans. (From L to R:) Janice Dupuy (Principal/CEO), Xiong Jun (Mandarin Chinese teacher), Catherine Bricelj (French program director), Claudine Adams (elementary French teacher), and LaToye Brown (Assistant Principal). Xiong Jun from China has been awarded a fellowship from the U.S. Department of State to participate in the 2014 Teachers of Critical Languages Program (TCLP). She will teach Chinese for a full academic year at Audubon Charter School in New Orleans, Louisiana. Audubon Charter School has participated in a nation-wide competition in order to host a TCLP teacher and Xiong Jun is one of a total of 22 teachers who have been selected from China and Egypt for participation in TCLP.
What: Audubon Charter School’s 2014 Soirée is themed “Movie Magic…The Golden Age of the Silver Screen. ” Hollywood South comes alive for this party with a purpose!
When: Saturday, March 22, 7pm Where: House of Broel, 2220 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70130 Why: Join Charlie Chaplin, Clark Gable, Marilyn Monroe, Dorothy Dandridge, Sidney Poitier, Marlon Brando, Queen Elizabeth and perhaps Superman for a night of award-winning cuisine, libations, a spirited live, silent and online auctions, and top-flight entertainment. Keenan Lewis of the New Orleans Saints will be a special guest! Audubon’s 2014 Soirée auction will give guests the opportunity to bid on unique paintings and photography by emerging local artists (including Audubon students), jewelry, wine, trips, classes, gift certificates and more! Auction items include a signed custom Keenan Lewis jersey; footballs autographed by Jimmy Graham, Rickey Jackson, Keenan Lewis, and other New Orleans Saints; a private dinner with a former White House chef; French classes; and a framed, signed and numbered print by artist James Michalopoulos. All proceeds from the evening will benefit Audubon Charter School. Dinner and libations will be provided by Bhimel Catering; Cynthia Fournet; Tom King; La Boulangerie; Charles Mendy; Oceana Grill; The Lake House; Specialty Italian Bistro; Starbucks; and Zea. Individual tickets are $40 in advance, $50 at the door. For more information or to purchase tickets or sponsorships, visit auduboncharter.com or contact Sophia Griffies at 504-324-7102 or [email protected] |
November 2022